By Carey Nieuwhof There’s little doubt culture is changing rapidly. The question is, are you ready as a church leader? If the change inside the church isn’t equal to or greater than the change outside our walls, irrelevance is inevitable. While that thought can be somewhat depressing, think ofContinue Reading

  By Frank Powell I have two boys (Noah and Micah) 15 months apart. Yes, the days are non-stop and action-packed, but that’s not the point. Here is the point: My boys are at different stages in the maturation process. My oldest son (Noah) can process thoughts and handle tasks thatContinue Reading

One of the greatest gifts that God gave mankind was the Holy Bible because the Bible is literally God revealing Himself, and communicating Himself to mankind in written word. Anything and everything that we know about God comes from these Holy Scriptures, and they contain the totality of what weContinue Reading

by Rick Kirkpatrick There has been a lot of dialogue in the Evangelical world in recent years about a war on Christmas. The cry was to say “Merry Christmas” in defiance to something like “Seasons Greetings” or “Happy Holidays.” Regardless of the words we use, the war on Christmas isContinue Reading